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7 Steps to Build Your Personal Brand | Ian Moyse

Guest: Ian Moyse

Here's a summary of the great stuff that we cover on this show:

    • Your personal branding is crucial as it serves as a measure of your reputation and integrity, becoming the foundation of your career.
    • Consumer habits have shifted, with social media providing insight into businesses. This has led to a preference for small personal brands centred around both the product and the individual behind it.
    • Personal branding, when done right, helps you stand out and build trust. It's essential to be strategic in choosing platforms, becoming an expert, and presenting a credible image.
    • Knowledge and valuable content are key to inspiring trust. Post content on relevant platforms, engage with influencers, and focus on building genuine connections with your audience.
    • Establish a baseline for your personal brand, then nurture and adjust it over time. Success doesn't require extensive daily efforts; instead, focus on sharing content, commenting, and engaging opportunistically.

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