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Customer Experience Before, During and After the Sale | Adam Pearce

Guest: Adam Pearce

Here's a summary of the great stuff that we cover in this show:

  • Customer Experience is the overall experience that a customer has with your brand even before they click on your website till the point where you make your very final sale. So, it’s not just their experience while making a purchase but before and after the purchase as well.
  • A good Conversion Rate doesn’t necessarily mean good Customer Experience. It gives a very narrow view whereas what’s important is the Customer Lifetime Value. You can increase the lifetime value of a customer by avoiding gimmicks and increasing value additions by creating more touch points to understand the customer better and helping them understand you and your products better.
  • Personalising your homepage, improving the navigations, and adding a great search feature are some effective ways to improve your customer experience. Being smart with your emails, conducting quizzes or surveys to help you understand your customer better and then offering services that’s tailored to their specific needs or interests goes a long way in ensuring customer loyalty and lifetime value.

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