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Eight Steps to Funny Sales Videos That Sell | Joseph Wilkins

Guest: Joseph Wilkins

Here's a summary of the great stuff that we cover on this show:

  • Humor and video in sales create an emotional connection, making people more receptive and engaged by prompting smiles and lowering their defenses.
  • In a society bombarded with information, humorous videos help sellers stand out on social media platforms where attention is sought but hard to capture.
  • Social media users seek entertainment and engagement. Aligning content with their expectations increases the likelihood of connecting with the audience and encourages sharing.
  • While the primary goal is an immediate sale, funny sales videos also serve to enhance brand awareness and potentially go viral, with variations for B2C and B2B strategies.
  • The process of creating a funny sales video involves researching the audience, brainstorming ideas, scripting a compelling story, incorporating humor with comedy writers, focusing on effective production, editing for timing, testing multiple versions, and strategically guiding viewers to take action on a well-optimized squeeze page.

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