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How to Grow a Niche Clothing Brand Online | Sam Morgan

Guest: Sam Morgan

Welcome my fellow eCommerce Entrepreneurs - this show is for the Kurious about eCommerce and for those that want to get better at digital business.

In today's show, I get to chat with Sam Morgan who is the founder of Paria.cc which is a bespoke clothing brand that specialises in Bike Gear. Sam knows first hand the challenge of running an eCommerce clothing brand as he balances weather, fashion trends, brands and seasonal changes successfully.

We chat about all the different facets of this great online business including lead generation via the help of micro-influencers on social media, especially Instagram. Sam is able to partner with other individuals who fit the brand profile and in return for Paria kit, provide him with content and exposure to their followers and their peers. With heavy reliance on user-generated content (UGC) Sam is keeping imagery and content fresh and dynamic.

Links for Sam

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