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Optimise Conversion Rates Using Buyer Psychology | Rishi Rawat

Guest: Rishi Rawat

Here's a summary of the great stuff that we cover on this show:

  • Recognising individual consumer situational variances is crucial in understanding the psychology behind purchasing decisions.
  • Incorporating the identified situational variables into copywriting is essential, addressing buyer anxieties and confusion to build trust and recommend specific products.
  • With the majority of website visitors being first-time users, a strategic focus on converting this group is recommended, leading to improved overall conversion rates and related metrics.
  • The product page and description play a crucial role in conveying a compelling story around the nine situational variables, emphasizing their impact on improving conversion rates, especially for first-time buyers.
  • Buyer psychology entails overcoming skepticism, leveraging expertise, highlighting triumph over odds, using visuals and surprising details, motivating habit change, offering personalization, creating exclusivity, and countering negative perceptions.

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