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Understanding Growth Hacking for Your Business | Chris Raven

Guest: Chris Raven

Here's a summary of the great stuff that we cover on this show:

  • Start conversations with broad and detailed questions to establish the business's value proposition. Identify the "why," "what," and "who" of the business, addressing objectives, revenue goals, and past strategies.
  • Conduct a marketing audit focusing on Awareness, Acquisition, Conversion, and Retention. Blend data-driven marketing with traditional principles like the four P's, SWOT, and PESTLE for a comprehensive understanding.
  • Based on Stage One and Two findings, create a prioritised task list. Translate audit results into specific tasks, detailing what, why, when, who, and how. Prioritise tasks using ICE score (Impact, Confidence, Ease).
  • Translate top priorities into a current sprint plan. Visualise tasks with associated time frames, involving relevant team members. Prioritise high-impact tasks for maximum effectiveness and momentum.
  • Continuously evolve and iterate. Assess strategies for improvement, transformation, and client satisfaction. Regularly revisit initial conversations and adapt to changes in the business landscape.

Links for Chris